Who is prophet Muhammed (saw) ?
Prophet Muhammed is one if the messengers of Allah (swt) ,who is on the straight part and we are to follow his directives as Muslims. Q36:2-4. He is also a teacher that teaches wisdom and purify us. Q2:151. He is a favour to us ,a warner ,a witness over us ,a caller to Allah, and a bearer of glad tiding. Q33:45-46. He is a mercy to the world of mankind's and jins. Q21:107. Above all he is a human being like us. Q48:29. So, the prophet came to transform the corrupt world. The Rasul was humble, gives charity, goodness to both human and animals, truthful, and trusted.What is corruption?
Corruption is abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It is a conduct that adversely affects the honest performance. Allah says in Q30:141. "Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have brought,that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return. "In Islam ,corruption is defined as a spiritual or moral impurity and deviation from an ideal .Q5:90-91.
Forms of corruption.
🔹Taking and collecting bribes .🔸Fraud either by accountant,trader's, theft, embezzlement, misuse of information, spreading false information on social media, e.t.c
🔹Acts committed at a high level of government that distorts policies, e.g Ex. governors pensions, misuse of bail out funds and Paris refund.
🔺Petty corruption- this refers to every day abuse of entrusted power by law by public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens in places like hospitals, schools, policemen, all cadres of civil servants, budget padding ,contract sharing percentage, e.t.c.
Solutions to corruption.
Allah (Ta ala) establish men on land to enjoin good and forbids evil. Q22:41.🔸Be a mallam of integrity.
🔹Be conscious of halal income ,not only halal meat or chicken.
Do things because we have a day of accountability Q4:87.
🔻Adorn yourselves with Islamic character.
🔹Discharge your duty with trust always.
🔸Our ibaadah must be internalised,don't use stolen money for acts of lbaadah.
🔺Hasten to do good deeds always.Q3:114.
🔹Pay living salary and not miserable one.
🔸Don't give or take bribe ,it is a major sin.
In conclusion
We should realise that it is our attitude to life that leads us to corruption.And that some sins can invalidate our good deeds.
That the right of Allah is for Him to be worshiped, and that of man is not to corrupt his soul.
We pray that Allah make our tasks easy for us and count us among the forgiven one. Amin .
The lecture was delivered by Prof. Abd Rasak kilani on 19th, Nov. 2017.
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