Monday, 27 November 2017

Pray as You have seen me pray

Salat literally means Prayer. It is an act of worship comprises special words and deeds begins with takbir and ends with taslim. It is an obligation upon a Muslim and a Muslim is to offer no excuse when it comes to offering Salat. 

The Messenger of Allah said: “The first thing for which the slave will be held accountable for on the Day Resurrection is his prayer, if it is good (by performing it properly and on time), then all his affairs will be good, and if it is ruined (by neglecting it), then all his affairs will be ruined.” [At-Tabaraani]

A Muslim must realize that above anything, Salat is an obligation and every Muslim has to fulfill his or her obligation. As much as Salat is important, it is also important that each step of Salat is performed with complete precision.

The prophet (pbuh) said, "Pray as you have seen me praying" (Sahih Bukhari book 1 volume 1, Hadith 604).

The lecture was delivered by ustadh AbdulWahab Opeisa on Nov. 26th, 2017.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Prophetic panacea to the menace of corruption.

Who is prophet Muhammed (saw) ?  

Prophet Muhammed is one if the messengers of Allah (swt) ,who is on the straight part and we are to follow his directives as Muslims. Q36:2-4.  He is also a teacher that  teaches wisdom and purify us. Q2:151.  He is a favour to us ,a warner ,a witness over us ,a caller to Allah, and a bearer of glad tiding. Q33:45-46.  He is a mercy to the world of mankind's and jins. Q21:107. Above all he is a human being like us. Q48:29. So, the prophet came to transform the corrupt world. The Rasul was humble, gives charity, goodness to both human and animals, truthful, and trusted.         

What is corruption?              

Corruption is abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It is a conduct that adversely affects the honest performance. Allah says in Q30:141. "Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have brought,that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return. "   
In Islam ,corruption is defined as a spiritual or moral impurity and deviation from an ideal .Q5:90-91.                           

Forms of corruption.                 

🔹Taking and collecting bribes .
🔸Fraud  either by accountant,trader's, theft, embezzlement, misuse of information, spreading false information on social media, e.t.c
🔹Acts committed at a high level of government that distorts policies, e.g Ex. governors pensions, misuse of bail out funds and Paris refund.
🔺Petty corruption- this refers to every day abuse of entrusted power by law by public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens in places like hospitals, schools, policemen, all cadres of civil servants, budget padding ,contract sharing percentage, e.t.c.   

Solutions to corruption.               

Allah (Ta ala) establish men on land to enjoin good and forbids evil. Q22:41.       
🔸Be a mallam of integrity.     
🔹Be conscious of halal income ,not only halal meat or chicken.
Do things because we have a day of accountability Q4:87.     
 🔻Adorn yourselves with Islamic character.   
🔹Discharge your duty with trust always.     
🔸Our ibaadah must be internalised,don't use stolen money for acts of lbaadah.     
 🔺Hasten to do good deeds always.Q3:114.     
🔹Pay living salary and not miserable one.     
🔸Don't give or take bribe ,it is a major sin.

In conclusion

We should realise that it is our attitude to life that leads us to corruption.
And that some sins can invalidate our good deeds.
That the right of Allah is for Him to be worshiped, and that of man is not to corrupt his soul.
We pray that Allah make our tasks easy for us and count us among the forgiven one. Amin .

The lecture was delivered by Prof. Abd Rasak kilani on 19th, Nov. 2017.
Click here>>> to download the lecture note

Fiqh' of Purification

Purification, according to Qur'an and sunnah is an obligatory acts of cleanliness commanded by Allah (SWT) on every obedient servant of His. Allah (SWT) is pure and will not accept that which is not pure.

Basically, purification are of two types: internal purification and external purification.
While Internal Purification deals with purification of soul from shirk(associating partner with Allah) and other sinful acts, external purification deals with purification of body, cloth and place of worship from impurities and performance of ablution, tayammum and bathing (Ghusl).

The lecture was delivered by Imam Muhyideen Oloyede on 12th, Nov. 2017.
Click here>>> to download the lecture note

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Knowledge; the Foundation of Ibadah

Seeking Knowledge is a sign of a Believer and the best of all branches of Knowledge are the sciences of sharee’ah through which man comes to know his Lord and His prophet and religion.

The first aayah of the Qur’an to be revealed enjoined reading being the key to Knowledge. Allah Says “Read! In the name of your lord who has created (all that exists). [Al-alaq 96:1]

And in a hadith Qudsi, the Prophet said that Allah says: Search for knowledge about Me before you worship Me. How will he who does not know Me worship Me correctly?”
The aforementioned establishes the status of Knowledge as the Foundation of Ibadaah and Ibaadah is the main reason behind our existence on the face of the earth. Allah most high says “I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but to worship me” [51:56]
The lecture was delivered by Ustadth Zubair ibrahim on 5th, Nov. 2017. 

25-11-2017: SINGLES’ FORUM

You are cordially invited to this year edition of Al-Usrah Singles' Forum tagged "AN NIKAH: BEYOND THE FANTASY".

The program holds on Saturday, 25th Nov. 2017 by 10:00am at Al-Usrah Mosque Complex opp. Jaros Base Rumuepirikom, Port Harcourt.

The program provides an avenue for Muslim singles to interact and discuss pertinent issues with a view to preparing their minds for a successful marital life.

Only willing and ready bachelors and spinsters are expected at the program. Entrance is free of charge.

Refreshments will be provided.

"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you from among yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He has placed between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect." (Q 30:21)

For more inquiries, contact 08035797080, 08063829706

Al-Jumu`ah: Orders and Etiquette for Friday

Friday is called Al-Jumu`ah because it is derived from Al-Jam`, literally, gathering. 

The people of Islam gather weekly, on every Friday in the major places of worship. It was during Friday when Allah finished the creation, the sixth day, during which Allah created the heavens and earth.

During Friday, Allah created Adam, and he was placed in Paradise, and ironically, it was a Friday when he was taken out of Paradise. It will be on a Friday when the Last Hour will commence.

There is an hour during Friday, wherein no faithful servant asks Allah for something good, but Allah will give him what he asked for. All of this is based upon Hadiths in the authentic collections.

Allah commanded the believers to gather to worship Him on Friday ;
“O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for the Salah on Al-Jumu`ah (Friday), then hasten (Fas`aw) to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if You only knew” ( Quran 62:9)

Hastening to the prayer is not accomplished by the feet. It rather means that you have to hasten to the prayer with your heart and actions, and walk to it.

Imam Ahmad recorded that `Aws bin `Aws Ath-Thaqafi said that he heard Allah's Messenger say, “Whoever performs Ghusl (well) on the day of Jumu`ah, leaves early, walking not riding, and sits close to the Imam and listens without talking, will earn the reward of fasting and performing standing (in prayer) for an entire year for every step he takes.”

Imam Ahmad also recorded that Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari said that he heard the Messenger of Allah say, “Whoever performs Ghusl on Friday and applies perfume, if he has any, wears his best clothes, then goes to the Masjid and performs voluntary prayer, if he wishes, does not bother anyone, listens when the Imam appears until he starts the prayer. Then all of this will be an expiation for whatever occurs between that Friday and the next Friday.”

Prof. Abdulrazaq KIlani: Holding unto Faith like holding a hot coal

All praises and thanks are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the soul of our noble Messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, his family, his companions and those who follow his path till the day of reckoning. Allah says in the glorious Qur’an:
Q 3:102-O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.
Q 4:1-O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.
Q 33:701-O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to the Right: That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement.
Verily, the best speech is Allah’s speech; the best guidance is Muhammad’s (saw) guidance: and the worst matters (in creed or worship) are those innovated (by the people), for every innovated matter is bid’ah ( prohibited innovation), and every bid’ah is an act of misguidance that(whoever initiated it) will reside in the Fire
The topic of discussion is based on prophetic tradition of our noble messenger (saw).  The Hadith states: Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) said, There will come upon the people a time when holding onto the religion will be like holding onto hot coal.  (Sunan al-Tirmidhi? 2260  Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani. 
The narrator of this Hadith was Anas Ibn Malik.  His full name is Abu Hamzah Anas ibn Maalik ibn Nadar al-Khazraji. He was born ten years before the Hijrah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He embraced Islam while very young. His mother brought him to the Prophet (peace be upon him) so he could act as a servant to the Prophet (peace be upon him).  He spent about ten years in that capacity. He also took part in ten of the battles of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed that Allah bless him, give him wealth, long life, lots of children and enter him into Paradise.  As a result of the Du’a of the Prophet (saw) on him, he became a wealthy man and had over 120 children and grandchildren by the time of his death.  He was over one hundred years old when he died.  After the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) he moved to Damascus and later settled in Basra.  He is considered to be the last Companion to have died in Basra, dying in the year 93 A.H.  Some 2,200 Hadith are narrated on his authority in the books of Hadith.
This Hadith comprises of a khabar (news, information) and an Irshaad (guidance). In the case of the news and information (khabar), the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed that indeed at the end of time al-Khayr (goodness) will decrease and evil  will increase. And indeed at that time one who holds firmly onto his religion from amongst the people will be of the fewest of the few. The people who adhere to the teachings of Islam will be in minority while those who oppose it within and outside Islam will be in majority. The hardship and adversity the minority who adhere to their faith is just like the state of the one holding onto hot coals because of the strength of those who oppose Islam. A lot of people will rise up only to mislead others from following the truth of Islam. 
The  fitan(trials)  of the period take various forms namely:
i. Ash-Shahawaat - desires became widespread. People prefer to live their lives according to their desires rather than dictates of Allah. Today many people prefer to follow the so-called celebrities with fake and dubious lives as their role models rather than the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and the righteous predecessors. Most of these celebrities have no homes or families, no wife but they have uncountable baby mamas.
ii. Ash-Shubuhaat- doubts. Many youths and some young people exhibit doubt on the workability of Islam in their lives. These are people with no background knowledge of Islam. They are found among the so-called educated group who are intoxicated in their non-Islamic education. 
iii. Suspicion is another manifestation of the trials of the period. Righteous and good Muslims are suspected in their day to day lives by others who refuse to take to the directives of Allah.
iv. al-ilhaad-atheism, materialism , deviation and weakness of faith also constitute ideologies of the period of discussion. These teachings are meant to erode the faith of believers in Allah. Our educational system is filled with these ideologies in the guise of globalization. Many mallams today run after the hair of albinos, the heart/ liver of many children, the breast of women to achieve material progress as they claim. The Yoruba among them say, ‘whoever will be an important person must eat human parts (eniti yio je’yan gbodo je eniyan)’. Many so-called religious clerics are dealers of human parts all for money and power
We can imagine the condition of the one who is holding on to a hot coal. Yet, the one who is in this position knows that he cannot let go. This is the condition of a good believer because s/he knows that life  is temporary, s/he knows that the promise of Allah is true and waits to get His promise, s/ he knows that eternity in Jannah is better than any pain suffered in this lowly dunya (world), s/he knows that this pain is nothing compared to the pain of the inhabitants of the Hellfire. This is the import of holding unto faith like holding a hot coal. The righteous slave of Allah will not sell his seat in Paradise for an hour in this lowly, transient, dunya (world). S/he will be patient and strive to please Allah in spite of the persecution of the ignorant.  Allah gives a glad tidings to the believers in  9:120  that“...Surely Allaah wastes not the reward of the Muhsinoon (the good doers)” [Surah at-Tawbah: 120]

There is corruption everywhere just like the Qura’an describes it as corruption on land and on sea. Allah says in Q 30:41, ‘  Evil has appeared in Al-Barr and Al-Bahr because of what the hands of men have earned’. Today, there is fitnah (trial, corruption) everywhere. The youths are  faced with many trials and temptations. Many people are believers in the morning and disbelievers at night and vice versa. They sell their religion for worldly gain. The pillar of holding on to one faith is to belief in the Hereafter, the punishment and the reward. The Belief in the Hereafter is the Pillar of faith in Islam and this explains why a Muslim is conscious of his or her deeds. There is a day of recompense. How many Muslims know that zina (adultery) is haram (forbidden) before  they  commit it, flirt online, date online and even commit zina (adultery) without remorse?
How many Muslims know that khamr(alcohol and drugs) are haram and still drink, serve guests? How many Muslims know that riba (interest) is haram, but all  their  business dealings are on riba? The mosques do not collect gate fees but the mosques are scanty outside Ramadan but cinema houses, football viewing centres are full all year round.

Also included in the struggle for Muslims to stand firm in their faith is the enormous hatred against Islam and Muslims globally today. Hate speeches against Muslims is very high,  hate Killings against Muslims across the globe is unparallel while demonization of Hijab and beards by sisters and brothers in search of jobs, for national ID, International Passport  are common cases of abuse and victimization against Muslims even in a democracy! There is also a global programme of deconstructing  the Masjid in which mosque is no more a place for authentic teachings of Islam are taught and that there are  no shia, no sunni, no hijab or niqab, no hijab  are new models to be propagated in mosques. Recently one of such mosque was established in one of the floors of Lutheran church in Germany. A mosque inside a church! The Imam of the mosque who is a woman and when asked about her religious credentials to be leading a Muslim congregation, she responded that she was just learning Islam. What an irony! The Mosque is tagged as the bastion of terrorism and many Mosques are wiretapped by security agencies. We are currently living in an age where religion and morality have been pushed aside. What is good appears to the people as evil, what is evil appears to be good, and the confusion has infected the Ummah at large.
  It is narrated on the authority of Thauban that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
“A group of people from my Ummah will always remain triumphant on the right path and continue to be triumphant (against their opponents). He who deserts them shall not be able to do them any harm...”[Saheeh Muslim]. This group will be upon the truth and will not be affected by the taunts of outsiders. Allah says in Q 10:32:
 “Such is Allah, your Lord in truth. So after the truth, what else can there be, save error? How then are you turned away?” [Surah Yoonus: 32]

Also in Q 6:153:
“And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths for they will separate you away from His path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (pious)” [Surah Al-An’aam: 153]

As Muslims, we are under strict orders to travel upon the straight path and we ask Allah every day, in every salaah:
“Guide us to the Straight Path” [Surah Fatihah: 6].
The one who practises the Sunnah today appears to be upon misguidance because the Sunnah is not known among the ignorant masses. The Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
“Islam initiated as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. So glad tidings for the strangers” [Saheeh Muslim].  Allaah says in Q 25:63:   
 “And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.” [Surah Al-Furqaan: 63]

The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) was reported to have said “Islâm began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers It was asked, “Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allâh?” He replied, “Those that correct the people when they become corrupt.” [Reported by Abû Amr al-Dani, from the hadîth of ibn Masûd]. Another narration says, ‘Those that correct my sunnah which has been corrupted by the people after me’.  In another narration he said in response to the same question, “They are a small group of people among a large evil population. Those who oppose them are more than those who follow them.” [Reported by ibn Asâkir. It is authentic according to al-Albânî.]. "It was said: ‘Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah?’ He, [sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam], said: ‘Those who rectify (themselves/others) when the people have become corrupt.’”[ Imaam Ahmad, Al-Bazaar and Abu Ya’laa. Al-Haythamee said in Majma’-uz-Zawaa’id (7/277).  Others have transmitted it with the following words, in which he,[ sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] said: "They are those who flee from trials (fitan) for the sake of their Religion." Allah the Law Giver also said the Qur’an:  
“And if you obey most of the people on Earth, they will lead you astray” (al-An‘âm:116).  Also, ‘O you who believe! Take care of your own selves. If you follow right guidance, no harm can come to you from those who err” (al-Mâ’idah 105), 

The time under discussion is also a time when stinginess is obeyed over charity and helping others. People don’t care about their aged parents, their siblings and members of the society. It is a  time when desires are followed as against following the orders of Allah. It is this love for desires that explains the massive support for gay across the world today.
The present world is preferred over the Akhirah(hereafter) in words and actions. The period is a time  when people are deluded with their personal opinions than that of Allah words. They are quick to say don’t bring religion here, don’t quote Hadith when a discussion is initiated as if they created themselves. The Prophet said:
For indeed, after you there will be days of patience, where patience will be like holding on to glowing embers. Whoever is able to do this will have the reward of fifty people that do like him.” They asked, “O Messenger of Allâh, the reward of fifty of them?” He replied, “The reward of fifty of you” [Recorded by al-Tirmidhî and Abû Dâwûd with a weak chain but it has supporting evidence. Al-Albânî calls it sâhîh. See al-Sahîhah, #957].
The spiritual life of every person is not static. There is a good time and there is a bad time.  Abdullah ibn Rawaaha and Abu al-Darda, two Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), stated "Imaan is like a shirt. Sometimes a person wears it and at other times he takes it off." [ibn Rajab, Jaami, vol. 1 , p. 303.]
1. Establish brotherhood based on faith as Musa (As) did by asking Allah to choose for him Harun (AS) his brothers. The Qur’an 20: 29 says,  ‘And appoint for me a helper from my family, Harun, my brother’. The essence of brotherhood in Islam is to help you to obey Allah.   Brotherhood supports you when you are weak and that is why a Muslim must choose friends wisely.
2. Another important principle needed to survive in the conditions of humanity as discussed in the Hadith is for a Muslim to be contented with the little. All of us will die and we won’t go with our worldly possessions
3. Again, we must not to compete with the world for the purpose of the world.  Those who procure human parts, join occult groups and those who patronise charlatans in the name of worldly achievements are only after this world.
4. Let us make tawbah (repentance) always and quickly anytime we stray from the path of righteousness.  Through sin man turns away from God, and by repentance he turns from sin and returns to the path of God. Hence, repen¬tance is a means by which man may strive to purify himself and return to his original sinless state of the Fitrah
5. Let us always flee to our Lord as captures in  Q 51:50, ‘  So, flee to Allah. Verily, I am a plain warner to you from Him’. In explaining this verse, Ibn Kathir wrote: seek shelter with Him and trust in Him in all of your affairs. The place of dhikr(God’s remembrance) in achieving this objective cannot be underestimated. There are four matters, when the limits are transgressed with regards to them, which harden the heart: food, sleep, speech and sexual intercourse. Ibn Qayyim said: Allah’s protection and defending of Muslims will be in accordance with their remembrance of Him. So whoever is more perfect in faith and remembrance will have greater protection and defence from Allah and whoever has less faith and remembrance gets less defence and protection
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
Prof. Abdulrazaq KIlani (FCAI)University of Port HarcourtEmail:
Contact: +234-803 702 9180

Prof. Abdulrazaq KIlani: The Reality Of Our Time And Muslim Salvation

All praises and thanks are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions and those who follow his footstep till the Day of reckoning. Allah says in the Qur’an thus:
Q 3:102- O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.
Q 4:1-O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.
Q 33:70-1- O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to the Right:  That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement.
In the words of our noble Prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi wasalaam) who said:  Verily, the best speech is Allah’s speech; the best guidance is Muhammad’s (saw) guidance: and the worst matters (in creed or worship) are those innovated (by the people), for every innovated matter is bid’ah ( prohibited innovation), and every bid’ah is an act of misguidance that(whoever initiated it) will reside in the Fire.
The issue of salvation is central to the life of every believer as s/he is concerned about his/her ending and the recompense from Allah on the Last Day. But, the situation humanity finds herself today seems to suggest that we care less about our hereafter. As human beings, our lives is made of four phases: 
In our mother’s womb,
The life we are enjoying now
Life in the grave/barzakh
The Day of Judgement- Day of Hisab
In each of the phases, Allah makes us to forget what happened in the period phase. Immediately a child is born, the baby does not remember the exclusive life enjoyed the womb of her mother. Again, no matter how long a person stays in this world s/he forgets everything about the world immediately s/he received the guest of death. The person does not remember the wives or husband, children, fleet of cars or aeroplane and beautiful mansions in various luxurious areas of major world cities. The account of the hereafter occupies an important place in the doctrines of Islam. In fact the belief in the hereafter and the recompense that accompanies it is the pillar of faith in Islam. As a result of its importance in the doctrines of Islam, Allah has used many names for this Great Event. Scholars of Islam like  Al-Ghazaali and Qurtubi counted them and listed fifty names for this Day/Reality. This is to bring to the fore its importance to humankind.
One of the ways for us to ponder in the reality of our time is that humankind are merely  competing on the world but not competing about Akhirah. We compete in the acquisition of worldly possessions; houses, cars, positions, wives, children and others but there is no competition among us on how to get salvation of Allah by preparing for our hereafter. Mosques and Islamic study cycles where people don’t pay gate fees are empty but club houses where immoralities are committed are full to capacity with fees, football viewing centres are full even before the commencement of a football match while jumat mosques are empty only to fill up when iqamah is made. Many of us are busy with worldly pursuits and our daily prayers are joined together without remorse. Most Imams preach to empty mosques on Friday during the compulsory khutbah(sermon). 
In the pursuit of the world, human beings have not been able to conquer the world for themselves as we find out today that life expectancy is very short(45years in Nigeria). We should also note that most people learn to worship Allah very late in their lives. How long have you been worshipping your Lord with sincerity and dedication He deserves? In the rat race for worldly pursuits, modern diseases and ailments are on the rise. Diseases of affluence like diabetes, organ failures, and heart attacks are common today. Like earlier noted,  mosques are  populated by the elderly while the youths are in Club houses and football viewing centres. There is no gainsaying the obvious that many times are wasted on social media rather than in the pursuit of why we were created. Allah says in Q 51:56 that, ‘I have not created humankind and jinns except to worship Me’. This is the basis of the opportunity given to us as human being on the surface of the earth. In the same vein, digital friends (facebook, twitter etc) are replacing family and brotherhood of Islam. We boast of the followers we have on social media while the real friends are abandoned. Parents don’t have time for their children at home because they are busy chatting with friends in the other continent. Husband and wife are so far from one another due to the evil of Smartphone. The homes are very dry today as there is no more humour, families don’t pray together or eat together as a family. The team spirit of Islam is undermined by raging controversies among the youths on Salafiyah, Ahl Sunnah, La Jamaah on subsidiary issues of Islam and many pseudo ulama are busy recruiting Muslims for wealth, slavish invitation and some charlatans also assume to be Muslim clerics are caught almost daily involving in human parts sales for various satanic rituals. What is expected of a Muslim in a world described above?
Allah has given humankind Islam as the only religion to provide eternal bliss and salvation for humankind. The central call of the religion is to bring human being from the servitude of Allah’s creatures to the servitude of Allah alone. Islam is a life banner for you  as Allah commanded that ‘ do not die except you die as a Muslim’[Q 3:102]. Many people make resolution to start practising Islam at 40! Who told the person of the assurance of reaching that age in life? Many people see Islam as a family thing. The usual saying is that in our family, we are Muslims! Islam is not a birth right but the Gift of Allaah to you. Your servitude to Allah alone is what is requires of anyone to be under the shade of Allah. It is not family history but individual effort as ‘humankind can have nothing except what s/he strives for’ [Q53:39]. The central message here is that we must avoid  the distractions of life like peer influence, social media, bad attitude to be a successful believer. Sports and entertainment are the current idols human being worship. The  idolization of fame, sports and amusements have contributed to time wastage among Muslim youths and some elders who are football lovers.
Establish a Muslim home. The home to a Muslim is a place of tranquillity and a place where Allah is worship and glorified. This is captured in Q10:87, ‘make your home to be a place where Allah is worshipped’. The home is composed of family members and in  establishing a home we must choose our partners wisely and   with right intention. The Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi wasalaam) said: “A woman may be married for four things: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty or her religion. Choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust [i.e., may you prosper]!” (Agreed upon
The right choice according to Islam is someone with right religious understanding. The bane of the ummah today is due to the  dwindling fortune of Islam in many homes. It is obligatory on everyone to create an atmosphere of faith in the home. This is achieved by acquiring Islamic knowledge, participating in mosque activities and by attending Islamic programmes.
Choose your friends wisely. Allah prescribes in Q 9:119 that, ‘O you who believe fear Allah and always be with the company of the righteous’. The essence of friendship in Islam is that they must be believers in Allah, who are righteous and even knowledgeable about the religion. When you forget a thing, they remind you, when you fall, they lift you up. We must be careful of sensational affection of Ustaz and Shaykhs in the name of learning the religion of Islam as such affections have led to great consequences for many youths. Some of them have become unprepared wives with no access to family and education.
Engage in Dhikr :  Ibn Qayyim said: Allah’s protection and defending of Muslims will be in accordance with their remembrance of Him. So whoever is more perfect in faith and remembrance will have greater protection and defence from Allah and whoever has less faith and remembrance gets less defence and protection. Allah says in  Q2:152 , ‘Remember Me and I will remember you’. Again in  Q20:124, Allah says, ‘But whosoever turns away from My Reminder, verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection.' Also in Q  43:36, He says, ‘And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious, We appoint for him Shaytan to be a Qarin (a companion) to him’.
Make tawbah(Repentance) repeatedly.  Tawbah is a journey from the disliked to the liked. Allah loves the one who has sinned and quickly seek repentance from Allah and never return to the sin again. Ibn Taymiyyah also said,  "The praiseworthy fear is that which prevented you from the prohibitions of Allah. The essence of repentance is that the one who makes tawbah it often is like someone who has not sin before.
Adorn yourself with good manners. The beauty of Islam lies in its beautiful etiquettes of life and the one who is a Muslim must submit to the beautiful manners prescribed by Islam. There is no doubt that many of us are very harsh and lack good manners while we wear Islamic identity. What Islam does in our lives is to remove the ignorant lives and substitute it with beautiful conduct. Allah describes  Prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi wasalaam)  with beautiful conduct (Q 68:4) and as a role model (Q 33:21). We should also spread kindness among ourselves as the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi wasalaam)  said,“Anything in which there is kindness it beautifies it”. In order to be successful in the world we live today we must frequently flee to Allah  and not to follow the crowd as the Q 51:50 says, ‘So, flee to Allah (from His Torment to His Mercy.’
Be a Beloved of Allah. In order to achieve this purpose, Ibn al-Qaiyim mentioned ten items that we must struggle to do in our lives and they are: 
Reciting the Qur'an regularly and follow the teachings. 
Performing voluntary deeds after completing obligatory deeds. 
Dhikrullah under all circumstances, with one's tongue, heart and actions. 
Giving precedence to what Allah  loves over what you love when you are overtaken by your desires. 
The heart being avid of Allah's Names, and Attributes and the heart roaming in that garden of knowledge. 
Observing Allah's kindness, goodness and bounties, both hidden and open. 
The heart being soft, subdued and meek before Allah. 
Do Tahajjud(night salat) regularly and ask for forgiveness and repent. 
Sit with the beloved and sincere by benefitting from the most fruitful of their speech and not to speak unless speaking is more beneficial and you know that it will improve your state and be beneficial to others.
Remaining away from every cause that comes between the heart and Allah[Madarij Salikeen] 
The houses we built, the award we gathered around the globe and the position we attained in the world are not the real legacy for salvation as a Muslim. They do not outlive us and what outlives us is the real legacy. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: 
Knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, 
A pious child whom he left behind, 
A copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, 
A mosque that he built, 
A guest house he built for travelers, 
A river/well that he made to flow, 
and charity he spends from his wealth when he is in good health – all of this continues to avail him after his death.” [Sunan Ibn Majah and Sunan al-Bayhaqî – and graded as good (hasan) by al-Albânî] 
It is not the life we live that matters but how purposeful our lives are in accordance to the dictate of our Lord. In order to achieve that good ending, we must learn to be satisfied with the little, by detaching ourselves from those who are engrossed with the world, by eating halal(lawful) and earning halal(lawful) and remembering death always. These are the path of our righteous predecessors. We conclude this essay with a final jewel that:
Whosoever worships Allaah for love alone is a zindeeq(heretic) and whosoever worships Him for hope alone is a Murjii(who believes sins impart no harm as long as there is faith) and whosoever worships Him for fear is a Khawarij. But whoever worships Him for Love, Hope and Fear is indeed a Muwaheed (who clings to Tawheed)
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi wasalaam)

Prof. Abdulrazaq KIlani (FCAI)
 University of Port Harcourt

Prophet Nuh

After many years Adam
had grandchildren and even
great grandchildren.
There were now lots of
people on earth.
Many of them obeyed Allah
but some were not so good
and did just what they
wanted to do all the time.

This made Allah very unhappy.
Allah chose Nuh,
a good man, to tell the
people that what they
were doing was wrong.
But they wouldn't listen
to him and carried on
doing bad things.
Allah decided that
all the naughty people
should be punished.
He told Nuh to build
a big ark near
his house.
Nuh quickly got busy
choosing good wood and
building it up into a
fine ark.
A lot of people laughed
at him but he did not
take any notice of them,
because Allah had told
him what to do.
When he had finished,
he put lots of food
into the ark and collected
the good people together.
They also took lots of
animals with them
into the ark, two
of every kind.
One day, all of a sudden,
the sky went very dark
and it started to rain.
Lightly at first, then
more and more heavily. Soon
there was water everywhere.
The bad people were not
laughing any more. They
were frightened because
they had no shelter
from the water.
Only the good people
in the ark were
safe and dry.

Habil and Qabil

Adam had two sons
called Habil and Qabil.
Adam thought that
Habil, the younger son,
should take over after him.
But Qabil didn't like this
idea and was very
To settle the argument
Adam thought of an idea.
He told his sons to think
of a present to give to
Allah and to leave it
on top of a certain hill.
The one whose
present Allah accepted,
would win the

Allah chose Habil's
present because Habil
had taken a lot
of time and trouble
to choose his present.
Qabil was very upset and
angry. He was so angry
that he killed his
own brother. Afterwards,
when he realised what
he had done, he cried
and cried but it was
too late to be sorry.

Prophet Adam

Allah made the mountains and the seas.
He made all the animals.
He made the heavens and the stars.
He made the sun and the moon
and he made the angels.
The angels were like Allah's servants
and did everything He ordered.
Then Allah decided to make a man.
He called this first man Adam.
He taught him many things
so that Adam had more knowledge
than the angels.
There was one Jinn,
called Iblis and he thought
he was better than Adam
so Allah would not let him
stay with the other angels.
He was to be called
'Shaytan', the Devil.
Shaytan blamed Adam for what had
happened to him and was very angry.
Allah let Adam live in
a beautiful place because
he was good. The place was
called Paradise.
It was a very nice place but
Adam was a little lonely,
on his own all of the time.
Allah decided to help Adam.
He made Hawa to be Adam's wife.
They were happy and
liked living in Paradise.
There was, however,
one thing they were not allowed to do.
There was a special
tree and Allah had told them they must not
eat any fruit from that tree.
At first Adam and Hawa were
very good and kept away
from the tree.
Shaytan decided to do
something very naughty.
He told them they were silly
to keep away from the tree.
He said nothing would happen
if they ate its fruit.
He said the fruit was delicious
and they should try it.
After a while they began to
listen to Shaytan and thought
they would have just a little
taste of the fruit, just to see
what it was like.
Shaytan was very happy because
he had made them disobey Allah.
As soon as they had eaten
the fruit,
Adam and Hawa
realised that they had been
very naughty and
they felt guilty
for what they had done.
Allah forgave them
But He wouldn't let them
stay in Paradise any more
So He sent them to live on earth.

Differences in Religion

Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all prophets before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Allah says in the Qur’ân:
“Say, `We believe in ALLAH and that which has been revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and in that which was given to Moses and Jesus and other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and to HIM we submit.” (Qur’ân 3-85)
 Islam, in this sense, was the religion of all the prophets, but why does one see different variations of the religion of God if they all emanated from the same source?  The answer is twofold.   
The first reason is that as a result of the passage of time, and due to the fact that previous religions were not under the Divine protection of God, they underwent much change and variation.  As a result, we see that the fundamental truths which were brought by all messengers now differ from one religion to another, the most apparent being the strict tenet of the belief and worship of God and God alone. 
The second reason for this variation is that God, in His infinite Wisdom and eternal Will, decreed that all the divine missions prior to the final message of Islam brought by Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, be limited to a specific time frame.  As a result, their laws and methodologies dealt with the specific conditions of the people whom they had been sent to address. 
This was the cause of the disparity that existed between the different religions. 

The Origin of Islam

Islam, a name given by Allah to this religion, is an Arabic word which literally means obedience and peace. ISLAM is derived from the Arabic root “SALEMA”: peace, purity, submission and obedience. So ‘Islam’ would mean the path of those who are obedient to Allah and who establish peace with Him and His creatures. Its follower are called Muslims.

A brief history of the prophets will give a clear insight to the origin of the religion.

The first human, Adam, followed Islam, in that he directed worship to God alone and none else and abided by His commandments.  But through the passage of time and the dispersal of humanity throughout the earth, people strayed from this message and began directing worship to others instead of or along with God.  Some took to worshipping the pious who passed away amongst them, while others took to worshipping spirits and forces of nature.  It was then that God started to send messengers to humanity steering them back to the worship of God Alone, which accorded to their true nature, and warning them of the grave consequences of directing any type of worship to others besides Him.
The first of these messengers was Noah, who was sent to preach this message of Islam to his people, after they had started to direct worship to their pious forefathers along with God.  Noah called his people to leave the worship of their idols, and ordered them to return to the worship of God Alone.  Some of them followed the teachings of Noah, while the majority disbelieved in him.  Those who followed Noah were followers of Islam, or Muslims, while those that did not, remained in their disbelief and were seized with a punishment for doing so.
After Noah, God sent messengers to every nation who had strayed from the Truth, to steer them back to it.  This Truth was the same throughout time: to reject all objects of worship and to direct all worship without exception to God and none else, the Creator and Lord of all, and to abide by His commandments.  But since each nation differed in regards to their way of life, language, and culture, specific messengers were sent to specific nations for a specific time period.
God sent messengers to all nations, and to the Kingdom of Babylon He sent Abraham –  one of the earliest and greatest prophets –  who called his people to reject the worship of the idols to which they were devoted.  He called them to Islam, but they rejected him and even tried to kill him.  God put Abraham through many tests, and he proved true to all of them.  For his many sacrifices, God proclaimed that he would raise from amongst his progeny a great nation and choose prophets from amongst them.  Whenever people from his progeny started to stray away from the Truth, which was to worship none but God alone and to obey His commandments, God sent them another messenger steering them back to it.
Consequently, we see that many prophets were sent amongst the progeny of Abraham, such as his two sons Isaac and Ishmael, along with Jacob (Israel), Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, and of course, Jesus, to mention a few, may the peace and blessings of God be upon them all.  Each prophet was sent to the Children of Israel (the Jews) when they went astray from the true religion of God, and it became obligatory upon them to follow the messenger which was sent to them and obey their commandments.  All of the messengers came with the same message, to reject worship of all other beings except God Alone and to obey His commandments.  Some disbelieved in the prophets, while others believed.  Those that believed were followers of Islam, or Muslims.
From amongst the messengers was Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, from the progeny of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, who was sent as a messenger in succession to Jesus.  Muhammad preached the same message of Islam as the previous prophets and messengers – to direct all worship to God Alone and none else and to obey His commandments – in which the followers of the previous prophets went astray.
So as we see, the Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of a new religion, as many people mistakenly think, but he was sent as the Final Prophet of Islam.  By revealing His final message to Muhammad, which is an eternal and universal message for all of mankind, God finally fulfilled the covenant that He made with Abraham.
Just as it was incumbent upon the those who were alive to follow the message of the last of the succession of prophets which was sent to them, it becomes incumbent upon all of humanity to follow the message of Muhammad.  God promised that this message would remain unchanged and fit for all times and places.  Suffice is it to say that the way of Islam is the same as the way of the prophet Abraham, because both the Bible and the Quran portray Abraham as a towering example of someone who submitted himself completely to God and directed worship to Him alone and none else, and without any intermediaries.  Once this is realized, it should be clear that Islam has the most continuous and universal message of any religion, because all prophets and messengers were “Muslims”, i.e. those who submitted to God’s will, and they preached “Islam”, i.e. submission to the will of Almighty God by worshipping Him Alone and obeying His commandments.
So we see that those who call themselves Muslims today do not follow a new religion; rather they follow the religion and message of all prophets and messengers which were sent to humanity by God’s command, also known as Islam.  The word “Islam” is an Arabic word which literally means “submission to God”, and Muslims are those who willfully submit to and actively obey God, living in accordance with His message.